An unbiased ratio-type estimator has been considered by Oyoo et al. [8] in estimating finite population total under non-response in stratified random sampling. In their paper, Oyoo et al. [8] assumes that variation in the ratio
is much higher than variation in the response variable, Y and in the auxiliary variable, X and therefore, while obtaining the expression for the variance, variations in Y and X are considered negligible. In this paper, however, we consider variations in R, Y and X and use the result by Hartley and Ross [3] and Goodman and Hartley [9] to obtain the expression for variance the estimator by Oyoo et al. [8]. We examine performance of this estimator using simulated data and the results show that this estimator performs better than the usual (biased) ratio estimator constructed in simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR) and under stratified random sampling.
Keywords and phrases:
unbiased ratio estimator, mean square error (MSE), non-response.