
Call for applications

As part of celebrating UON@50, the College of Biological and Physical Sciences (CBPS) plans to recognize and showcase cutting edge research and innovation by its students, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


The research…

The prize presentation ceremony will take place on 7th May 2021.

for more info click here

The Library will host a virtual training on Remote Access to Electronic Information Resources (Books & Journals) and Research Tools (Turnitin Supervisory Tool) from May 4-7, 2021.

The main objective of the training is to guide the students and…

Join two categories of mazingira challenge 2020 edition. The first category is (1) Quiz challenge- open to groups of three. The second category is (2) Innovation challenge open to individuals. 

Mazingira Challenge is open to all campus students at the University of Nairobi.


Third and Fourth Years will be visiting IPSOS Kenya as industrial visit. 

This has been organized by NUSSA. 

The career talk will be delivered by Mr. Johnson Kinyua, the Director, Office of Career Services.

Objective of the day is to learn more about:

1. The role of the Career services office at the University of Nairobi…

UoN's 62nd graduation will majorly have College of Health Sciences, College of Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Architecture and Engineering graduands.

Graduands will have a rehearsal in preparation for the 62nd UoN Graduation ceremony. 

Follow the conversation on twitter: #UoNgraduation #…