Tanui Florence Jerotich

Rock geochemistry influences groundwater quality and the aquifer processes of an area. The geology of the study area comprises quartzo-feldspathic gneiss and biotite gneiss of the Precambrian basement, sedimentary Turkana Grits and Holocene sediments, Tertiary volcanics comprising nepheline phonolites and augite basalts, alluvial deposits along the banks of major streams and laggas (ephemeral streams), and Quaternary sands that blanket much of the area. This paper evaluates the influence of rock chemistry on groundwater quality in Lodwar area.

Ngure Mary Wangui

Abstract: Climate change poses significant risks to food security globally with predictions of 10-20 % decline in rain-fed crop yields by 2050. Sub-Saharan Africa remains highly susceptible to food shortage since over 95 % of the region’s total cropland is rain-fed. Kenya’s over reliance on rain-fed agriculture predisposes the country to climate-induced food insecurity. Murang’a County in Kenya is experiencing climate change challenges manifested in prolonged droughts and floods.