Latest News & Announcements

Annual College Research Week October 14-16, 2020

The College of Biological and Physical Sciences Annual Research Week is scheduled from October 14th -16th, 2020. The theme of this years' conference is Science and Cross-Disciplinary Research and Practices Transforming Society for Sustainable Development

This years' annual research week will be held online, where presenters will make a 15-20 minutes presentation. 

A 250-word abstract needs to be submitted by July 31st, 2020 to email address 

What you need to know about obtaining data bundles

Students will be issued with Telkom lines loaded with data. 

However, prior to the students going to collect the lines from the different Telkom outlets in their various counties, they need to ensure that they have updated their contact details on the student portal. 

It is important to note that students will be alerted by the Telkom outlet, using the contact detail submitted on the student portal, when their Telkom SIM card is ready. 

Students should not go to Telkom outlets to pick Telkom SIM cards, until they are alerted. 

Take the Survey

Over the past three weeks, the University vigorously mounted online trainings to take academic staff through tools that they can use to facilitate online learning. 

How have you, the lecturer, found the trainings? Have they been beneficial? Have you implemented the online classes? This is what ICT Center envisions to find out from you to assist in filling the gaps on the pending training needs you may have. 

Campus embarks on digital training to support online classes

Digital technological platforms for teaching, training and conducting meetings will take up the physical classroom and physical meetings as the University pushes to continue its core mandate during the pandemic period of the COVID-19, following closure of the University on March 17, 2020.

Platforms such as google hangouts, google classroom and our own eLearning and eclass will be used during this period to ensure that classes continue. 

How to Access Online Journals as student or researcher

The University has made available more than 1,000 journals accessible for research on the University library website. 

To access: go to University library website (

Then click Find electronic journals. 

You will find a list with an array of journals to select from. 

Select a specific letter to filter out what you need.

Select : "J" to lead you to journals store. 

Then select "J store".

Annual Sports Event Attracts New Members in Peer Mentors Club

Athletics and soccer formed two key sports events during the annual sports day for Peer Educators in Chiromo campus on February 1, 2020 at the University of Nairobi grounds.

The sports activities were important for members to have an opportunity to interact and create better relations especially after first year' orientation to Peer mentors club, which took place on October 9, 2019.

Importance of Peer Mentorship explained during Orientation to the Club

Chiromo Campus Peer Educators (CCPE) plays an integral role in students' life . The student organization enables students to interact with others, get advise on opportunities available, enhance personal growth and attain academic excellence from students who are at an advanced level of education, other than themselves.

The club holds an orientation every year when first years join campus, to enlighten the students about  life in campus and mentorship activities among peers, in the University.

Kiboko Team Wins Environmental Mazingira Challenge

An exciting contest was the agenda of Chiromo Campus today as students passionate about the environment took up the challenge to engage in an environmental quiz and innovation challenge, dubbed Mazingira Challenge. Over 70 students registered to participate in the challenge which had sponsors from Doshi Steel, WWF Kenya, Coca-Cola, Kenya Forest Working Group (KWFG) and Inuka Foundation.

Teams of 24 comprising three students each participated in the first round, where 12 were ousted and the remaining battled it out in the semi-finals and finals.