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LETS INNOVATE!!!! The Nairobi Innovation Week 2022

The Nairobi Innovation Week (NIW) is an annual event for celebrating local and international innovation

The Nairobi Innovation Week 2022 theme is Innovation for Transformation and Impact in the society.”


Date:                 April 26 to 28, 2022

Duration:          3 days

Venue:              Great Court, Main Campus, University of Nairobi


Public Lecture by Prof. Jacob O. Midiwo

Prof. Jacob O. Midiwo will be giving a public lecture on his journey as a researcher in Natural Products Chemistry. Prof Midowo's topic will be on “Secondary metabolites from African medicinal plants: chemotaxonomic markers and potential prototypes of medicines for neglected tropical diseases

The lecture will take place on Friday, 18th February 2022 at Millenium Hall 1 from 11.30 AM – 1.45 PM