Abstract Kinetoplastids are human pathogens with devastating economic and health effects, which include Leishmania and Trypanosoma species from flagellated protozoans. With the developed technology platform that allows the generation of high atomic level resolution of pathogen ribosome’s crystal structures, we demonstrate that rRNA is a target of choice for the development of next-generation drugs.


Many actuaries worldwide use Systematic Mortality Risk (SMR) to value actuarial prod-
ucts such as annuities and assurances sold to policyholders. Data availability plays an

essential role in ascertaining the SMR models’ accuracy, and it varies from one country to
another. Incorrect stochastic modeling of SMR models due to paucity of data has been a

problem for many Sub-Saharan African countries such as Kenya, thus prompting modifi-
cations of the classical SMR models used in those countries with limited data availability.


Infectious diseases are a public health concern, as they cause serious illnesses in humans. Among infectious diseases, malaria, leishmaniasis, and bacterial diseases account for about a million fatalities per year. Globally, two hundred million cases of malaria were reported in 2019, with over four hundred thousand fatalities. Africa is the epicentre of malaria, accounting for at least 94 percent of all reported cases. Similarly, the World Health Organization reports 30,000 new infections of visceral leishmaniasis yearly, with 20,000 deaths.