Odumo Benjamin Okang’

Abstract: Artisanal gold-mining (AGM) is one of the most important activities in the districts of Migori and Transmara (Kenya). Gold-mining, however, is known to release vast quantities of arsenic and metals (some of which are very toxic like As, Hg, Cd, or Pb), which poses a serious threat to not only miners but also to the ecosystem and local populations.

Mwangi Wanjiru Mary

Abstract: Community vulnerability to climate change can be conceptualized as an aggregate of three vulnerability components: exposure to climatic stress, sensitivity to climate stress and adaptive capacity. However, even within similar regions these vulnerability components are spatially differentiated necessitating the understanding of a regions vulnerability pattern before targeting adaptation assistance.

Tanui Florence Jerotich

Rock geochemistry influences groundwater quality and the aquifer processes of an area. The geology of the study area comprises quartzo-feldspathic gneiss and biotite gneiss of the Precambrian basement, sedimentary Turkana Grits and Holocene sediments, Tertiary volcanics comprising nepheline phonolites and augite basalts, alluvial deposits along the banks of major streams and laggas (ephemeral streams), and Quaternary sands that blanket much of the area. This paper evaluates the influence of rock chemistry on groundwater quality in Lodwar area.